Sweatin' it out...for now

I'm living in good ole' G-ville, SC and spending time with my fam here. I'm also working at a children's home in the area. Fun times.

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Location: Greenville, South Carolina, United States

I am currently working as a Family Teacher at a children's home in Clinton, SC.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Yeay President Bush!!!!

I am proud of my president for using his veto power for the first time in his six-year term to protect human life. Here is a link, if anyone cares to check it out, further pointing out that there are other, more effective ways to find cures for diseases and cancers than killing inocent human life. http://www.stemcellresearch.org/facts/treatments.htm (Hat tip: Jimmi Glidden via ACI.)


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